If companies find out that it would be cheaper for them to pay the 8% penalty and drop coverage, the insurance companies would lose business. In turn, they would have to either raise rates for other people or layoff employees. Either outcome will start the cycle over and more people will be on the government plan. I would like to know what provisions are being made to ensure that insurance companies will remain a viable competitor to the government health plan. Are there any insurance companies too big to fail?
Will all Congressmen and Congresswomen be on this health plan? Will the First Lady? Will the Obama children be on this plan?
The Cash for Clunkers was considered widely
successful...spending a billion dollars withing two weeks instead of the 4-5 months planned. If the government could be so wrong about how much this small plan cost, why should I believe that your estimates about the cost of the health care plan will be accurate?
If a wealthy person wanted to start a new health insurance company, would they be able to do so?
What is the most a person should be in taxes a year, even the wealthy? 40%? 50%? 80%? Would you make that statement publicly? Would you be willing to make that public policy?
Is there an exit strategy in case this doesn't work?
If people are complaining about the high prices and availability of insurance and the government believes it needs to step in and give everyone insurance, what other industries will the government take an active roll? If auto prices are too high, will the government soon offer everyone a new car? If tobacco and alcohol cause too many social problems, will the government take over these industries? If groceries become too expensive, will the government start a new grocery chain to force more competition? Why is it just health care?
Are there any incentives to be healthy in the government plan? Incentives to quit smoking? Incentives to lose weight? Incentives to have an annual physical? Are there incentives to use your primary physician instead of just using the emergency room?
Will you
read the legislation?