Former Senator George Nethercutt wrote a wonderful article on the Politico website. Some points that I really agree with are:
- Citizens are particularly unhappy that these measures sometimes reach 1,000 pages and are admittedly unread by their elected representatives.
- When I successfully ran for Congress against then-House Speaker Tom Foley (D-Wash.) in 1994, I remember making the point that neither congressional representatives nor presidents feel the pinch of recessions — their government paychecks keep coming no matter how bad their performance — so it is hard for them to grasp the full impact on a small-business owner or someone dependent on the free-market system to feed a family or keep doors open when times are bad.
- The best advice to those serving in office today? Quit whining. It is your job to know about the measures you pass into law and expect the rest of us to live by.
While I agree that all our elected officials (both in the majority and minority) should stop whining about citizens protesting, I found a larger group of whiners...the people who respond to any argument by name-calling. Here is a very small sample of quotes from bomb-throwers that don't try to win the argument with logic.
- The people showing up at town meetings yelling are old, white and racist just like the party they represent.
- Come on, Politico. We're smarter than we look. If there's a "whining" class, its the GOP and their racist base.
- Please no more pelosi's. Hell even ehr Daughter is a sicofant wacko, and politico gives the wacko a voice.
- The "Chosen One" Barry, Queen Bee Pelosi and Dingy Harry Reid...
- You sir are the idiot....Let's see if I can make it easy even for a tool/fool like you.
- under Emperor Obama...
- They're mad because the illegal-alien usurping commie-fascist Obama...
- Town hall protesters are "evil-mongers"
I get very frustrated with people like these who really divert attention away from the real debates. If these people want to push their ideas, they should find a new way to communicate.
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